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  2. Team Collaboration

How to Share a Candidate

With VIVAHR, you can share a candidate with others so they can provide feedback.


With VIVAHR, you have the ability to share a candidate so you can receive feedback from other people.

To share a candidate, you'll first need to pull up the candidate's profile.

Go to Candidates.

Then, click on the candidate's name to pull up their profile.

On the candidate overview page, click the green Share button.

Click that button to share the candidate.

There are three different ways that you can share a candidate:

  • Internally - You can only share the candidate with someone who is a team member in your account
  • By Email - You can email the candidate to someone
  • By Link - You can share a link to view the candidate

To share a candidate Internally, you will first need to select the team members you would like to share the candidate with.

Once the team members have been selected, click Share.

Those team members will receive an email with the candidate's information.

To share a candidate By Email, you will need to enter a:

  • Name
  • Email address
  • Message you would like to include

When all information has been filled out, click Share.

The candidate will then be sent to that email address.

If you would like to share a candidate By Link, click Copy next to the candidate link.

You can then paste that link to share it with anyone you would like to review the candidate.